Jean (Love is in the meadow) annoyed by Nathalie: his revelations on a sequence not seen on TV

In the new season of Love is in the meadowthe farmer Jeans definitely stands out to viewers. And for good reason, the 60-year-old suckler cow breeder turns out to be very touching, both because of his personal story marked by the infidelity of his ex-partner, but also by his most endearing character. By participating in the show, he hoped to put an end to his heavy loneliness and, during speed-datings, his choice fell on Laurence and Natalie to continue the adventure at home.

I took both because they were the same age. And the third was older than me. Except that, in the portrait, I had said that I wanted to be younger than me. At that time, between Nathalie and Laurence, I didn’t have a crush on one or the other because you can’t have a crush like that. It gave me an idea but you can’t have a crush, it’s too short. It was at the farm stay thanks to everyone’s behavior“, he explained during an interview for Entertainment TV.

She did her sketch

No favorite but already a faux pas on the part of one of her contenders. Indeed, for our colleagues, Jean admitted to having been somewhat annoyed by Nathalie’s behavior during their karaoke night, some images of which were broadcast in the episode of Monday, September 12. “I had the impression that she wanted to take the reins. It’s not just between the two contenders, even in relation to me, I found that she took a little too much forward. When we left the evening, she did her sketch, she thanked the whole establishment and everything. As if she were leading the dance. Logically, we should have done the three of us together. Me, I saw it like that.”

Everything had however started well between Jean and Nathalie. The latter even thought she had the advantage over her rival Laurence when “first oral-digital contacts” took place. “Jean made me drink water from the spring in his hands and touching his hands with my mouth, it’s tactile, it’s a start, I liked it“, she had rejoiced in a previous episode. But in Love is in the meadow, nothing is ever decided in advance.

Monday evening’s episode positioned M6 at the top of the ratings rankings. According to Médiamétrie, 4.31 million people, or 19.8% of people aged 4 and over and 30.4% of women responsible for purchases under fifty (FRDA-50), were behind their screens.

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