Gina Lollobrigida operated for a broken femur

(Rome) Italian actress Gina Lollobrigida, 95-year-old candidate for the September 25 legislative elections, fractured her femur when she fell and underwent successful surgery in Rome on Monday, her lawyer told AFP.

Posted at 12:01
Updated at 1:25 p.m.

The former sex symbol, revealed in 1952 in “Fanfan la tulipe” by French director Christian-Jaque, fell at her Roman home on Sunday and had to be hospitalized.

“The operation went very well, it was a perfect success. She was awake. She is now under observation, ”said Antonio Ingroia on Monday evening.

Gina Lollobrigida is a candidate for a seat in the Senate on the “sovereign and popular Italy” list which, according to the polls, would not cross the 3% threshold required to have elected members.

The list, which brings together the Communist Party and the Socialist Fatherland, among other things, advocates the exit of Italy from the EU and NATO, the end of military aid to Ukraine, the lifting of sanctions on the Russia and opposes compulsory vaccination.

Born on July 4, 1927 in the small village of Subiaco, in the heart of Abruzzo (a mountainous region in central Italy), in a modest family which then settled in Rome, Gina Lollobrigida has played with the greatest actors, from Franck Sinatra to Sean Connery, from Marcello Mastroianni to Humphrey Bogart.

She toured until 1962 in the United States and then ended up returning to Italy. She then appeared only occasionally in film and television.

“La Lollo” then returned to her first artistic loves, photography and then sculpture, to which she devoted herself entirely in the early 1980s.

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