The aquatic Maginot Line built before the Second World War
Between the nascent German Nied and the Saar, the aquatic Maginot Line, built before the Second World War, the operation of which has been faithfully reconstructed by volunteers, makes it possible to understand this ingenious system of defensive floods. Lpond of Hoste-Haut is located the furthest upstream in the system of defensive floods that we now call the “Aquatic Maginot Line”.
Today the ponds of HOSTE are many water reservoirs where nature is queen
Alain Trinkwell, returned to the League for the Protection of Birds (LPO Mosel) from the age of 17, is our guide on the Hoste pond, visit the observatory where we can see different species of birds that nest in the reeds such as warblers or a rare bird the “bittern” dwarf heron.
– Alain Trinkwell
– Alain Trinkwell
Migratory birds such as swifts are the first to open the ball and have already left for warm countries.
A species of bird that we see again in Lorraine and nests on one of the Hoste ponds: the European bee-eater, beautiful elegant bird, similar to a rainbow.
Lagooning basins in CAPPEL
How does this phyto purification work? Explanations with Julien Bassi, Territory Director at Véolia and Sarah Schwartz, nature guide at the Hombourg-Haut Tourist Office.
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