In private schools, foundations support inclusion

This text is part of the special section Private schools

Private schools do not have a reputation for being particularly inclusive, according to popular belief. However, foundations raise funds to finance the education of students in greater difficulty or from different backgrounds. In a way, they work so that young people are not deprived of private school.

During the 2021-2022 school year, the Saint-Jean-Eudes Foundation was able to award scholarships to 27 students (2.4% of the school’s workforce) from the school of the same name, located in Quebec. “We want to make sure that students are not deprived of our school because of the low salaries or the family situations of their parents,” underlines Sabrina Pelletier, coordinator of the foundation. In the event of separation, financial aid makes it possible to integrate a pupil whose one of the two parents does not have the means to pay the fees.

An exceptional gift

Last February, the Saint-Jean-Eudes Foundation announced the generous contribution of $100,000 from Michel M. Couture, one of its former students. Of this amount, 80% is used to help some young people financially. “Thanks to Mr. Couture’s donations, we were able to offer a $1,000 scholarship to three students at each level between secondary 3 and 1,” says Sabrina Pelletier. These “Spark” scholarships have come to support students who have distinguished themselves according to several criteria, in particular their good grades, their positive leadership, their involvement in their studies and in another activity (sports, cultural, scientific, social, etc.), and who are in financial need.

“The day these scholarships were awarded to the students was one of the best moments of my career! » launches Mme Peltier. The winners (who did not need to apply) gradually recognized their identity during the unveiling. “We explained for each one who he is and what he does, without naming him. When young people discovered that it was them, it was magical,” she says.

Grateful students

The Saint-Jean-Eudes Foundation also offers, at the end of the school year, the “Perseverance” scholarship to one student per level, “to give him a little boost, encouragement to continue,” says Sabrina Pelletier. Since this year, the “Radiation” scholarship (in the amount of $300) has also been offered. “This can help, for example, a young person who does circus internationally”, illustrates the coordinator.

The recognition of the students helped by the foundation is palpable. “They are often the ones who get even more involved in school activities. They are very present on the ground, and it is extremely touching”, underlines Mme Peltier.

Welcoming newcomers

Grateful former scholarship recipients also contribute to the resources of another organization located in Quebec: the Fondation du Collège François-de-Laval. “We have many former students who are very attached to the college. Some received financial assistance in the 1960s to 1980s and today want to give back to the next,” says Véronique Hébert, Executive Director of the foundation. The testimony of one of these scholarship recipients who became donors, who wishes his contribution to remain confidential, is particularly eloquent. “He works in finance and told me that he was not looking for fame, just to express his gratitude, because he would never have been able to pursue this career if he had not had access to our school, to the structured education and the support it provides,” says Hebert.

In 2022-2023, approximately 65 students from Collège François-de-Laval will receive a scholarship. “We often help newcomers from Peru, Mexico or the African continent,” says Véronique Hébert. For a private school that is more inclusive socially, but also geographically and culturally.

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