what to remember from the day of Saturday, September 10

The front lines are being redrawn hour by hour. Ukraine claimed, Saturday, September 10, advances in the east of the country, in particular in the key city of Kupyansk. In the process, Russia announced to withdraw troops from this area to “to reinforce” further south the separatist region of Donetsk. Here is what to remember from this day of conflict.

kyiv reports advances in the East

Ukrainian forces claimed to have entered the city of Kupyansk, which is on Russian army supply routes. “Kupiansk is Ukraine”, wrote a regional official on social media, posting a photo of Ukrainian soldiers in the city of 27,000. The special forces also released images showing their officers “in Kupiansk, which was and will always be Ukrainian”.

This is a new stage in kyiv’s recent whirlwind counter-offensive, which has enabled it to retake whole swathes of territory. This new advance by kyiv south of Kharkiv could significantly affect Russia’s ability to supply and provide effective logistical support to its positions on the eastern front.

Russia forced to reorganize its troops on the Eastern Front

The Russian Ministry of Defense has announced that it has “took of” its present strengths “in the regions of Balakliïa and Izioum”in order to “strengthen efforts” further south, around Donetsk, one of the capitals of the pro-Russian separatists. The situation is “hard” in the Donetsk region, commented its leader, Denis Pushilin.

Ukrainian soldiers patrolled on Saturday in Balakliïa, the main city declared recaptured by kyiv the day before. “Today we complete the liberation of Balaklya, the first major city of our offensive, and I’m sure it won’t be the last. Kupyansk is ahead of us, our troops have already taken half of it. And still ahead, Izioum and many others”said the commander of the Ukrainian ground forces, Oleksandre Syrski, before the announcement of Russian withdrawal.

Ukraine says progress in the South

The Ukrainians also claimed to be making progress in the south of the country. “Our soldiers are advancing on the front lines in the south in several areas ranging from two to several tens of kilometers”said the military command of southern Ukraine, without further details.

Baerbock in kyiv, Macron on the phone

The head of German diplomacy, Annalena Baerbock, arrived in kyiv on Saturday for a surprise visit, her second since the start of the war. “They can continue to count on us. We will continue to support Ukraine for as long as necessary, with the delivery of arms, with humanitarian and financial support”she said.

For his part, the French President, Emmanuel Macron, again spoke by telephone with his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelensky. The two leaders “returned to the situation around the Zaporijjia power plant, which remains very worrying”, according to the Elysee. The French head of state also “questioned President Zelensky on the developments of the conflict on the ground, and on the needs of Ukraine to which France could help meet”.

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