Jean Depardieu: The 16-year-old teenager had been able to meet his late brother Guillaume, revelations

In a few weeks, on October 13, it is a very sad anniversary that will be in the mind of Gérard Depardieu, that of the disappearance of his son Guillaume Depardieu, who died of pneumonia, he who had suffered an infection due to to Staphylococcus aureus. Repatriated to the Garches hospital, he breathed his last, very suddenly, on October 13, 2008 at the age of 37. But before leaving, the tortured actor will have had time to get to know his little brother, the discreet Jean Depardieu, the 16 year old who already seems to have inherited the character of his illustrious father.

Youngest son of the sacred monster of French cinema and actress Hélène Bizot, this handsome young man is already very well surrounded, close to other famous girls who are among his best friends, including one of Luc Besson’s daughters, Sateen Besson. In a portrait of The Dispatch in 2008, we learned that the one called Jean, in homage to the friend of Gérard Depardieu, Jean Carmet, had time to be taken in the arms of his late elder Guillaume. Taking him in his arms, Guillaume Depardieu did not hesitate to say: “He’s a Depardieu, a real one.” A meaningful sentence that made the mother, Hélène, happy, who recognizes that Jean is the best gift Gerard could have given her, as reported by our colleagues. “I love and respect him because he is the father of my child, but I am no longer in love. However, I want there to be love between us and that Jean is aware of it.she said at the time. It’s very important to show your child that you still love the other parent..”

Jean Depardieu is “perfect” and “a little like” his famous father, confidences

Since then, Jean has grown up and spent time with famous girls like her cousin, Tess Perez. At 19, she is none other than one of the daughters of Karine Silla, sister of Virginie Besson, and Vincent Perez. Remember that Jean Depardieu is also the half-brother of Roxane Depardieu, daughter of his father with Karine Silla. What we know about Gérard Depardieu’s young son is that he not only inherited the Depardieu family resemblance, but also his character. The actor had made some confidences about his younger brother, in particular about their relationship, in October 2020, to Audrey Crespo-Mara for seven to eight (TF1): “I have my son Jean who is perfect and who is a bit like me too.” “He has his father’s temperament. He is a boy who embodies the joy of living“, had for his part informed his mother actress.

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