Ex-minister silences rumors of diplomatic appointment | Marc Garneau intends to complete his term as Member of Parliament for NDG-Westmount

(Ottawa) Removed from the cabinet by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Marc Garneau, affirms to have the firm intention to end his mandate as deputy for the Montreal riding of Notre-Dame-de-Grâce – Westmount.

Joël-Denis Bellavance

Joël-Denis Bellavance

Mr. Garneau thus puts an end to the rumors that have been circulating about him for nearly six weeks that he could become Canada’s next ambassador to France.

The post of Ambassador to Paris has been vacant since June following the appointment of Isabelle Hudon as President and CEO of the Business Development Bank of Canada.

In a message on his Twitter account on Sunday evening, Mr. Garneau indicated that he will be present Monday in the House of Commons, which resumes its work for the first time since the federal election of September 20.

“The 44e Canadian Parliament begins tomorrow. Many have asked if I am withdrawing from politics. No, I continue to represent the residents of NDG-Westmount, ”he wrote in his message.

According to information obtained by Press, Mr. Garneau was keen to set the record straight about his political future while liberal strategists began to speculate on possible Liberal candidates who could run for office in Mr. Garneau’s riding, considered to be a liberal stronghold, if the latter obtained a diplomatic appointment.

The name of the former president of the Liberal Party of Canada, Anna Gainey, was mentioned in particular.

To everyone’s surprise, Justin Trudeau decided to remove Marc Garneau from cabinet when he announced the ministerial team that will support him in the management of state affairs on October 26 as he begins a third term. The Prime Minister has set his sights on Mélanie Joly to head the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Before being appointed head of Canadian diplomacy in January, Mr. Garneau had been Minister of Transport for nearly five years.

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