a sovereign who has become a true icon of pop culture



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Queen Elizabeth II, who died on Thursday September 8, inspired many artists. Over the years, she has become a true pop culture icon.

With her life worthy of a novel, Elizabeth II has inspired more than one film director, especially for her dark periods, like the Diana episode recounted in the film “spencer” last year. But this is the series”The Crown“which revived the interest and affection of the public. Better than a television series, this work is a veritable encyclopedia on the Queen of England. I thought she was a rather cold person, but seeing the series, she seduced me“, says a spectator.

The cinema has not always been so flattering for the Queen, nor in 2015, in the film “The Profs 2“, nor in another parody titled “Is there a cop to save the queen?“, in which the sovereign suffered many outrages. True to form, the queen never commented on the adaptations of her life on screen. She has become a key figure in popular culture. Elizabeth II achieved the status of a true pop icon, thanks, among other things, to Andy Warhol’s paintings in the mid-1980s.

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