Chambéry beats Montpellier at the Lighthouse!

We were announcing a big poster for a big game, we hadn’t lied! The Chambériens handballers win the Clasico this Sunday, November 21 in a scrambling Lighthouse, for this tenth day of Starligue.

They inflict a setback on their lifelong rival Montpellier, after a very tough match.

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Impossible to say in the first period which was going to be essential, so the match was so close. 20 minutes from the end of the game, there was a tie: 17 to 17, but Team Chambé gave their all in the second half. “We delivered a big defensive match, that was our watchword, combat, combat, combat!‘explains Alexandre Tritta, the right-back of Team Chambé. “When you see a result like this with a venue like this, what could be better?“.

No air gap, no deviation of concentration, the yellows and blacks did not give up and imposed themselves.

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Carried by a excited public, Team Chambé was exceptional in defense, notably with Pierre Paturel and Gerdas Babarskas, as well as goalkeeper Nikola Portner.

It was the young Haut-Savoyard, Antoine Tissot, 20, who widened the gap with three goals.

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Chambéry handball players beat Montpellier 27 to 23! © Radio France
Melanie Tournadre

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