Refusal to comply fatal in Rennes: the driver imprisoned

After the death of a 22-year-old woman in an anti-drug operation in Rennes this week, two people were indicted on Friday. the driver of the vehicle, slightly injured, was imprisonedannounced the public prosecutor of Rennes.

“The driver of the Peugeot was indicted on the counts of drug trafficking (acquisition, possession, transport, offer or sale and importation), criminal association and refusal to hand over his telephone codes and was placed in pre-trial detention “, said Rennes prosecutor Philippe Astruc in a press release. This 26-year-old, living in Saint-Etienne du Rouvray, in Seine-Maritime, was placed in pre-trial detention.

A second man charged

Another 33-year-old man was also charged. “for drug offences”. The drug transported, 111 grams of cocaine, was intended for him. He was arrested on September 7 at his home in Saint-Jean-Trolimon, in Finistère, and was placed under judicial supervision.

During the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, a 22-year-old young woman died, fatally shot by a police officer, himself hit by the fleeing Peugeot. The police had positioned themselves on a ramp of the Rennes ring road at the intersection of the Lorient road to stop the car, suspected of carrying drugs. According to the prosecution, the driver had been ordered by a policeman to get out of the vehicle and stop, after which “he refused to comply and restarted quickly” and crashed into a policeman, injuring him in the leg. He then fired “one time” towards the car, hurtful”slightly the driver, before the projectile reaches according to the first observations the passenger“, who “was to die quickly on the spot at 2:15 a.m.“.

The prosecutor said that the mother of the deceased young woman had filed a complaint for manslaughter against the driver of the vehicle.

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