The film “L’Événement”, directed by Audrey Diwan, will be showing Wednesday, November 24 in cinemas. The film tells the story of a clandestine abortion in the 1960s, adapted from Annie’s novel Ernaux.
In the 1960s, Anne, a literature student, became pregnant. She does not want to keep the child, but what to do, when abortion is prohibited by law? This obstacle course was filmed by director Audrey Diwan. “She is a young woman against the law, a young woman against the times and a young woman who must overcome this fear.”, Indicates the director.
The word “abortion” is never mentioned in the film. In France, before 1975, a woman who aborts risks prison and those who take the plunge testify anonymously. Half a century later, despite the evolution of the law, abortion remains a sensitive subject. Before being a movie, The event is a book by Annie Ernaux. The novelist recounted her own experience there.
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