“The real estate market will seize up completely”, estimates the president of the Union of owners


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The property tax arrives in the mailboxes of the owners with significant increases this year, up to 13% in certain cities. Christophe Demerson is worried about a difficult situation.

The real estate market will completely seize up“, worried Wednesday, September 7 on franceinfo Christophe Demerson, president of the National Union of Property Owners (UNPI), while the property tax is increasing by an average of 1.9% this year compared to last year, when it arrives in owners’ mailboxes.

The property tax increases particularly in certain large cities. It is up 7.8% in Nantes, 8.9% in Strasbourg, 11.6% in Tours and 13.1% in Marseille. “This is very bad news for the French but it is not an ancient story“, he explains. “If we take ten years, it’s +30% on average in property taxes in France. And imagine what it will be like next year, with this year’s inflation!

Christophe Dermerson notably rebukes the government: “He is very imaginative when it comes to preserving purchasing power, but beware, there is going to be a real problem for the owners“. According to him, “a quarter of landlord revenue goes to property taxes“.

Asked also about the possibility of taxing multiple owners more in order to tax less the owners of a single property, the UNPI representative believes that “you’re always someone else’s rich when it comes to timeshares. Having three or four apartments in Le Creusot does not make you richer than someone who rents a studio in Paris“.

He calls on the government to meet with landlord representatives and “sit around the table” not to “get to the end of the story“.

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