the Pas-de-Calais placed in orange vigilance for risks of rain-flooding

The orange alert is valid until Saturday morning.

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Due to the risk of heavy rain and flooding, Pas-de-Calais is kept on orange rain-flood vigilance, according to the Météo France bulletin published Friday, September 9 at 6 a.m. The forecasting institute evokes a classic episode of frequent showers on the Pas-de-Calais causing locally strong accumulations.

“The stormy showers from the English Channel follow one another, circulating quickly over the west of Pas-de-Calais, writes Météo France in its bulletin. Although the intensities remain moderate, the accumulations for this day on Friday could reach 30 to 50 mm west of the aforementioned axis throughout the day on Friday, with very locally 60 mm on the hills of west of the department. The amber alert is valid until Saturday morning.

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