the number of sick leaves in 2022 has exploded


France 2

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42% of employees have saw prescribe sick leave in 2022.

In 2022, according to Malakoff Humanis Prévoyance, 42% of employees saw prescribe sick leave. This is five points more than during the Covid. During the confinement, there were a lot of people on partial unemployment, they stayed at home. When you have a cold and you’re in care, you don’t get arrested, you continue to work. Second thing: there were surgeries that were postponed, so there were catch-up sick leaves.

The third thing is the psychological damage of confinement. Who gets sickest by age? These are young people: 46% of 18-34 year olds are arrested, against 34% for those over 50 years old. Young people also want to have a more balanced life between professional and personal life, they don’t want to kill themselves, says France 2 journalist Axel de Tarlé.

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