Resume physical activity and stay motivated.

First thing: strike while the iron is hot! For Marion Fournier, you have to “take advantage of this good energy at the start of the year to start practicing (…) and try to create habits of physical activity to really have the benefits over the long term”. The goal is to repeat the behavior regularly to create habits. It becomes gradually (almost!) automatic.

The key: regularity. And for that, you have to persevere. For regularity to be possible, it is necessary, even essential, to take your daily life into account when setting up this sport meeting. Why not take advantage of an activity of your child, for example, to do an activity on your side not far from there? Every minute counts and you have to go gradually.

At the end of the road: pleasure.

To do this, choose an activity that we like; obviously. And stay on the lookout for the benefits it brings us. We quickly win! After a few sessions you will observe a better breath, better endurance, less pain etc…
And these small daily improvements will keep you on track.

Get accompanied.

Many clubs, associations offer a multitude of activities; even for people with pathologies or disabilities. Don’t hesitate to ask Azur Sport Santé, the Resource and Expertise Centre.

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