Launch of the CNR, reform and discontent of the judicial police… The informed of the morning of Thursday, September 8, 2022

Every day, those informed in the morning discuss the news.

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With Marc Fauvelle and Renaud Dély, to comment on the news of Wednesday September 7, 2022, Roselyne Febvrehead of the political department of France 24, Guillaume Daretpolitical journalist FranceTVand David Di Giacomodeputy head of the police-justice service of franceinfo.

Launch of the National Refoundation Council : while the kick-off was given by Emmanuel Macron in Marcoussis (Essonne) political opposition and some candidates refused to participate. They denounce a “communication tool” from the government. The CNR, a bogus body or a real change in Macron’s method? Are the oppositions right to boycott it?

Police reform: what is it for? A reform project plans to bring together a large part of the police services, including the prestigious judicial police, at the level of the department. Many PJ officers worry about losing their specificity and investigative abilities. Why are they rebelling? Has Gérald Darmanin lost control of his troops?

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