Health: emergency services in need of doctors


Article written by

T.Franceschet, C.Alazet, J.Faura, S.Audigan, N.Corselle – France 2

France Televisions

Caregivers are once again sounding the alarm. “The teams are wrung out,” says the association SAMU-Emergencies of France. In some departments, patients are now filtered, and admissions limited, for lack of emergency doctors in sufficient numbers.

Was (Herault)it is still impossible to go to the emergency room alone at night. Only ambulances sent by the Samu are admitted. An operation set up this summer, which will last until Friday, September 9, for lack of emergency doctors in sufficient numbers. “We have made the choice, out of necessity since we have a third of vacant emergency doctor positions, to regulate the night as a priority, and to keep the emergencies open during the day”explains Claudie Greslondirector of the hospital center of the basin of Thau (Herault).

At the other end of France, at the University Hospital of Amiens (Sum)emergencies are open, but you have to call 15 first. Once at the hospital, again, the nurses check that the patients really come from the emergency room to limit admissions. Missing here 15 emergency physicians. A national issue: 90% of emergency departments say they have staffing issues.

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