In the age of social networks, video games and streaming platforms, our time devoted to reading has been greatly reduced. Apart from the summer when we immerse ourselves more willingly in books, most of the time we tend to stay in front of a screen rather than opening a novel or a comic strip.
According to an Ipsos poll for the National Book Center, 86% of people questioned said they had read at least one book in 2020, this is six points less than during the previous poll, in 2019. Young people, too, read less than before.
However the benefits of reading are many : it develops imagination and empathy, stimulates memory and fights against brain aging. So what are we waiting for to start or get back to reading? What if screens could help us rediscover a taste for reading?
Geraldine Mayr receives Sarah Sauquet. She is a high school literature teacher, author and creator of eight applications to encourage reading on a daily basis. In November, it publishes Les 1000 livres qui tempt de lire, published by Glénat, and presents its applications to us, in particular Un text un jour, which allows you to receive a text of French literature every day, to discover or rediscover the classics.
Because’there are plenty of ways to rediscover the desire and pleasure of readingC’est la vie gives you advice and ideas to get started!