Syria: three dead in Israeli strikes against an airport (NGO)

Israeli airstrikes that damaged Aleppo airport in northern Syria killed at least three people, according to a report provided Wednesday by the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (OSDH).

Aleppo airport was targeted again on Tuesday evening by Israeli strikes that damaged its runway and put it out of service, the official Sana news agency reported.

the OSDH, which has an extensive network of sources in the war-torn country, reported that among the targets of the strikes was also a warehouse inside the airport used by militias affiliated with Iran.

“Three people were killed and five wounded,” said the OSDH, adding that a total of six missiles had been fired. The identity or nationality of those killed could not immediately be confirmed.

The airline “Cham Wings”, the only private Syrian company, for its part announced that following the strikes, all flights scheduled from Aleppo would be from Damascus airport.

Iranian forces and the Shiite militias they control have a significant military presence throughout Syria and have been key support for President Bashar al-Assad’s forces.

On August 31, several Israeli strikes targeted Aleppo airport and the suburbs of Damascus.

In recent years, Israel has carried out hundreds of airstrikes in Syria, targeting regime positions as well as Iranian and Lebanese Hezbollah forces, key allies of Damascus and sworn enemies of Israel.

Israel, a neighboring country to Syria, rarely comments on the strikes on a case-by-case basis, but has admitted to carrying out hundreds since 2011. The Israeli army has defended them as necessary, saying it wants to prevent Iran from establishing a presence in Syria. his doors.

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