LPC-NDP Alliance | Liberals swear they want to honor the agreement with the NDP

(Vancouver) The Liberal government still intends to respect all the clauses of the pact concluded with the New Democrats – an agreement allowing it to stay in power possibly until 2025.

Posted at 9:51 p.m.

Melanie Marquis

Melanie Marquis
The Press

With the return to Parliament approaching in Ottawa, the Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Dominic LeBlanc, insisted on the fact that the Liberal word still stood.

“I remain completely confident that we will implement all commitments within the timeframes [prévus] “, he decided in a press briefing on Tuesday, on the sidelines of the retirement of the Liberal Cabinet.

The 27 clauses of the agreement concluded last March between the troops of Justin Trudeau and those of Jagmeet Singh will be respected, he insisted on day one of the meeting of ministers in Vancouver.

“Canadians have asked us to spend less time on partisan politics and more time governing and dealing with important issues,” added Dominic LeBlanc.

The Minister is part of the bipartisan committee whose mandate is to monitor the progress of the project.

Under the “support and confidence” agreement, which allows the Liberal minority government to stay in power, the first part of a national dental care program must be created by the end of the year.

In recent weeks, the NDP seems to have wanted to put pressure on the Liberal Party.

“I made it clear to the Prime Minister that this program needed to see the light of day. There is no other option […] The deal is built on that,” Jagmeet Singh told the Toronto Starearly August.

The New Conservative Deal

Minister LeBlanc made these comments when asked if the imminent arrival of a new Conservative leader would give the Liberals an even greater obligation to achieve results.

The Conservative Party will have a new leader in time for the return to parliament on September 19. In all likelihood, Pierre Poilievre will inherit the crown next Saturday.

In their meeting room in Vancouver, the Liberal ministers will prepare for his appearance.

But at the microphone on Tuesday, Dominic LeBlanc repeatedly refused to talk about Pierre Poilievre.

“Our attention is not at all on him,” he said in particular.

No, the attention of the Trudeau government, which has collected failures in the provision of services to citizens this summer (passports, visas, employment insurance), is on the economy, we repeat tirelessly.

“We have been focusing on issues for several years now. [d’abordabilité]then it is not the arrival of a new Conservative leader that [changer cela] “, pleaded Minister LeBlanc.

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