Faustine Bollaert married to Maxime Chattam: the reason why she could have asked for a divorce

On September 1, Faustine Bollaert and Maxime Chatham celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary. Tin weddings that the beautiful host celebrated by publishing an unpublished photo of their union, proof that love is still in good shape between them. In 2019, however, the writer made a funny revelation on RTL: his wife has already threatened to divorce !

At the time, Maxime Chattam was in the middle of writing his novel The signal, published in 2019. A work for which he was largely inspired by his own life. “When I started writing my characters, before writing the book, I said to myself: ‘Hey, I’m going to do something that I don’t usually do. I’m going to use what I am to write a hero. I’ll make it a type that looks like me somewhere, at certain times‘”, he confided. But the novelist did not stop there and also used his wife Faustine Bollaert to create the character of Olivia.As I wrote my book, I realized that from time to time Olivia had remarks and ways of being, even phrases that were word for word those of my wife. And I remember in the evening in bed, I made him read the chapters. Little by little a kind of game was set up where she looked at me in the evening and said to me: ‘I warn you, if you kill her at the end of the book, I divorce“, he had reported.

Fortunately, the figure of It starts today did not leave her man. They are even still as much in love and fulfilled by their two children, Abbie (9) and Peter (7)). A brother and a sister already very open to the world, as Faustine Bollaert recently rejoiced. “They spend more time on Netflix and Disney+, but they are also very interested in news titles. They want to understand the world in which they live. With their father, we are passionate about deciphering all this with their words“, she explained during an interview for Gala.

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