the defendants say they are ready to explain themselves



France 2

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The trial of the Nice attacks began on Monday, September 5 in Paris. Nathalie Perez was live from the courthouse to try to find out if the defendants intend to cooperate.

While the trial of the attacks in Nice (Alpes-Maritimes) opens Monday, September 5 in Paris, the question arises whether the defendants will be cooperative. “Yes, in any case, that’s the feeling we had earlier at the start of the hearing, when the president of the court asked the same question to the seven defendants present: ‘You have the right to keep silence’, he said, ‘but do you agree to answer all the questions that will be put to you during this trial?’ All replied that they had every intention of explaining themselves”relates Nathalie Perez, live from the courthouse.

The defendants have always denied any involvement in the attack. They “looked very uncomfortable this afternoon in this large courtroom, carefully avoiding eye contact with the few victims present today”, continues the journalist. Tuesday, September 6, the defendants will have the floor for the very first time. Their explanations are eagerly awaited by the civil parties.

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