Guillaume l’Auvergnat (Love is in the meadow) falls for a man much younger than him

William the Auvergne promises to be one of the darling candidates of this new season of Love is in the meadow. His peaceful and sunny character, his love of animals, his kindness… the 34-year-old farmer who has lost twenty pounds is certainly not lacking in qualities! Very happy in his life, however, he lacks a man with whom to share it on a daily basis. And during his speed-datings, Guillaume flashed on two of the eight suitors who made the trip to meet him on a barge in Paris.

First there was Maxim, a 35-year-old designer who has the advantage of being able to work from anywhere. Very purpose of stripping, he told her from the start that he knew nothing about life on the farm and totally plunged into the unknown without knowing if he was going to like it. An honesty that did not scare Guillaume, quite the contrary. The latter also reminded his suitor that he was not looking for a “farm boy“. Thus, their appointment was able to continue in a positive way. “It is very pleasant to look at and very pleasant to discuss“, judged the farmer at the end of their appointment.

Anyone who owns camels, alpacas and wallabies, in addition to sheep, pigs, horses, cows, donkeys, more than 250 peacocks, chickens or even guinea fowl was not at the end of his surprises. Indeed, his encounter with tom quickly turned everything upside down. Aged 24, this stable manager almost did not have his place in speed-datings, the fault of their ten years apart. But the charm that emanated from his letter did not leave Guillaume unmoved. And, when he met him, he understood that he had made the right choice by selecting him. Tom loves animals and is very attached to the equestrian world but can stop his career for love. He dreams of marriage, children… or whatever Guillaume also wants. The farmer then fell completely under the spell and for him, it was obvious. “Clearly, he’s coming to the farm. It was a suspended moment. Everything could have collapsed around. I can’t wait to see him again“, he confided afterwards.

It is therefore Tom and Maxime who will have the pleasure of spending a few days with Guillaume in the next episodes of Love is in the meadow.

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