France Bleu hike from Saint-Chamas

France Bleu Provence invites you to discover the heritage trail of Saint-Chamas as part of the France Bleu hikes.

Find the hike in your region with France Bleu Provence

As part of the partnership between the FFRandonnée and France Bleu, several hikes are planned for the weekend of September 10/11, 2022 throughout France. The FFRandonnée13in partnership with France Blue Provenceoffer you Sunday, September 11 from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. a hike near Saint-Chamas.

Sport and the discovery of marvelous places in our region

The many facets of Saint Chamas will be available to you throughout this hike, whether on the edge of Touloubrealong thePond of Berre, in its garrigue or its alleys. Moreover, Saint-Chamas enjoys an exceptional heritage with the Flavian bridgethe only Roman bridge in the world to have kept its arches, the Contagious Washhouse Where the Clock Bridge. Hike accompanied by FFRandonnée leaders.

The official Rando France Blue T-shirt © Radio France
Carol Michel

Practical information and ticket office

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