Launch of the Green Party of Canada leadership race

Six candidates, including two duos, compete in the race for the leadership of the Green Party of Canada (PVC), launched virtually on Saturday. This campaign marks the return of the former leader of the party, Elizabeth May, and the introduction of new internal rules for the party.

Posted at 2:54 p.m.

Frederik-Xavier Duhamel

Frederik-Xavier Duhamel
The Press

It was the report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) last April that motivated Mme May to return to the political arena. “That report said we had less time to act than I thought,” she said in video recorded ahead of Saturday’s launch, which she was unable to attend. “I’m not ready to sit back and let go of the status quo. […] we need to be radical. »

Mme May invited members to vote for her as the second choice, and for her running mate Jonathan Pedneault, a Quebecer formerly a researcher for Human Rights Watch, as 1er choice.

The other duo are community organizers Anna Keenan and Chad Walcott. Mme Australian-born Keenan ran for the party in the riding of Malpeque, Prince Edward Island. She and Mr. Walcott, a Montrealer, want to change the party’s constitution, which currently allows for a single leader and up to two deputy leaders, to allow co-leadership.

Two other candidates are standing alone. They are Ontario teacher, businesswoman and writer Sarah Gabrielle Baron and Simon Gnocchini-Messier, 2021 GPC candidate and former NDP activist.

The six aspiring leaders who were nominated all meet to varying degrees the Party’s new bilingualism requirement, which does not apply to Aboriginal candidates.

The vote for the first round will take place from October 7 to 14. The four top-ranked candidates will then face off in the second round, with voting taking place November 12-19, when the identity of the new leader will be announced.

This person will take over from Amina Kuttner, who held the interim position following the resignation of Annamie Paul after a crushing defeat last year.

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