the cinema changes its habits to preserve the environment



France 3

Article written by

F.Vallet, F.Bazille, C.Gadelorge, R.Laurentin – France 3

France Televisions

At a time when global warming is a priority for the majority of the population, the cinema is going green and adapting its habits in favor of the environment. From 2023, each producer will have to provide their carbon footprint.

The decor is natural. Cordon, a village in Haute-Savoie, is the location of a film. In the eye of the cameras, hundreds of extras, technicians and actors. But one particular member of the team lurks in the shadows. Mohamed Hamdaoui is eco-referent. “My role is to reduce the carbon footprint of a film like this. It’s a new job.” He must evaluate the energy expenditure of the shooting and remedy it.

No more burnt forestsApocalypse Now or the wrecked cars of Fast and Furious. From now on, software records all CO2 expenditure and identifies what pollutes the most on set. Clovis Cornillac also gets his hands dirty by coming to the set by bike. From next year, each production will have to provide a carbon footprint, as in the United States, Great Britain and Germany.

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