they tell their experience with the true of the false junior

The true of the false junior is the franceinfo meeting which answers questions from middle school and high school students every Friday. To start this new season, we asked the students of the Jules Ferry college, in Sainte-Geneviève-des-Bois in Essonne, with whom we worked last year, to tell us about their experience. We also interviewed their parents and the director of the college.

Ludmila, Ouiyame and Elise explain to us that at the beginning of each week, their class was transformed into a small editorial office which was looking for information to check around a topical subject. They first had to formulate a question calling for verification, such as “Is it true that Elon Musk wants to buy Twitter?” or even “I saw on Tiktok that there were cars that drive without a driver, is that true?”. Then they recorded themselves explaining how they would go about verifying this information and the True and False Cell of franceinfo took care of answering their questions while specifying how it proceeded and what tools it had used.

Audrey and Kylian explain to us how this weekly meeting has “learned a lot about the job of journalist”. Audrey explained to us that now she has got into the habit of cross-referencing sources, i.e. checking information using several sources to see if the information is the same everywhere and not just on a single site. of information.

Kylian used this technique when he saw “on Snapchat and Instagram that there were subject leaks during the last college patent.” He found that several sites, including franceinfo, were talking about it and he was able to share this information through reliable sites.

Elise also told us about the reverse image search that she learned to use from the real fake junior. The principle is to take a photo or an image, enter it on the Google Images site and thus see all the times this photo has already been published on the internet. Elise explains to us that this allows “to check if the photo is not used out of context.”

Clarisse, Ludmila’s mother, tells us how the real fake junior regularly burst into dinner table discussions. The news quickly became a central subject and Ludmila did not hesitate to share with her parents the verification advice learned in class. Her mother remembers her daughter’s explanations about “how to cross-reference information and search for relevant sources.”

For Juliette Aubry, director of the Jules Ferry college, this project corresponded to the “needs of the establishment with college students who are a lot on social networks and who do not always have the ability to analyze the information sent to them.”

According to the director of the college, this meeting has contributed to the development of the students as “citizens who will not believe just anything and who will each time submit to analysis the information sent to them.”

How can everyone be better informed?

Participate in the consultation initiated as part of the European project De facto on the platform. Franceinfo is the partner

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