the secret to a more serene life

Back to school is here and we started running again all day: between the office, the children and the house, the appointment with the orthodontist for the eldest, the registration for the dance for the last and the birthday party. our best friend’s birthday, our agenda is already full and we are overwhelmed and already on the verge of exhaustion.

Whose fault is it ? In time which is not extensible? To requests to which we dare not say no? To the multiple obligations of modern life? Perhaps a little to all three, but also and above all to Difficulty organizing and controlling our schedule

Geraldine Mayr receives Fabien Olicardmentalist, artist, videographer and the author of Your time is endless at First Editions. He explains to us how to no longer endure time, nor be its slave, but on the contrary manage it as well as possible in order to find the good rhythm and the smile.

Instructions, tips and tricks: thanks to Fabien Olicard’s little lesson on time, you’ll be able to take a breather from the start of the school year!

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