the ban on leaflets in mailboxes tested in 14 cities in France

In Grenoble, Nancy or Bordeaux, the distribution of commercial brochures will be prohibited for three years. Residents who wish to receive them will have to affix a “Oui pub” sticker.

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It is certainly progressive, but it is a small revolution that will affect the mailboxes of many French women and men. From this Thursday, September 1, eleven cities in France are experimenting with the ban on leaflets in mailboxes. Three other municipalities will also participate in this experiment from February. With this measure, which results from the climate law of July 2021, these commercial brochures will no longer be distributed, unless you request them.

For a prospectus to be slipped into a mailbox, it will have to be decked out with a small sticker “Oui pub”. It is the reversal of the system. The “Stop advertising” stickers will therefore no longer be useful. Advertising is therefore banned from building lobbies, unless you want it to stay there and display it clearly.

Ademe, the Ecological Transition Agency, estimates that 900,000 tonnes of leaflets are dumped in our mailboxes each year. This represents 30 kg of printed matter per household. It is 90% of the advertising published by large retailers and which today symbolizes an economic model based on production and waste.

The anti-waste law for a circular economy, published in February 2020, tackled the subject. But she had failed. The climate law succeeds on the principle of experimentation. Grenoble, Bordeaux, Agen, and even Nancy are among the cities taking part in this experiment, which will last three years. This represents 2.7 million inhabitants. Prospectuses represent half of the volume of the graphics sector, which employs just over 300,000 people. The current “Stop pub” system dates from 2004. According to Ademe, it was affixed to less than 20% of mailboxes.

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