in Berdyansk, the daily life of Ukrainians under Russian occupation

On the main square of Berdiansk, a port city in southeastern Ukraine, a few dozen people are queuing in front of an office opened by the Russian government. Their objective: to obtain a Russian passport, to be able to circulate more easily in this territory under occupation or by joining the new power in place, like Tatiana, a 58-year-old woman: “I have been for Russia for a long time. We lived under Russia, we lived under the Soviet Union, we all lived amicably, everything was peaceful, there were no borders.”

“We lived well, but after 1991 we separated. Why separate? Before America came to stick its nose here, everything was fine!”

Tatyana, resident of Berdyansk

at franceinfo

Not all residents of Berdyansk are necessarily so enthusiastic about the military takeover of the city by the Russian army. Since the start of the war in Ukraine, many have fled the region and others prefer to remain silent, like this man crossed in the street. “Guys, sorry but this is a scary topic to talk about. Goodbyehe slips quickly. But I can say that all of this is unpleasant.” It is a fact, the Russification of southern Ukraine is underway. And the Russian army that brought us here wants to show it.

In stores, people pay in rubles, and in schools they are preparing to start the new school year with Russian programs, explains Galina Petrovna, the educational director of a school in Berdiansk: “As for the books and textbooks we had in Ukraine, it was not good literature. What they told was wrong. And the children had to write essays on wrong views. Pro-feelings Westerners. We confiscated them and gave them to a special service which will study these documents.”

Life under Russian occupation in Berdiansk: Listen to the franceinfo report

to listen

For the Russian authorities, life is gradually returning to normal in these territories. But the meeting with the new mayor of Berdiansk takes place with a heavily armed escort. A few days ago, the Deputy Chief of Police died in a bomb attack. Alexander Saoulenko explains not to be afraid : “A few days ago there was an attack. But the consequence of these provocations is that there is a growing conviction among the people of Berdyansk that what they want is Russia, says the chosen one. Because people want peace and good. And it all comes with Russia.”

In a few weeks, a referendum will be organized in these occupied territories to know if the inhabitants want to join Russia.

source site-25