Straight to the point | A very unsupportive tax holiday


The parliamentary leader of Québec solidaire, Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, campaigning in Montreal on Tuesday

Philip Mercury

Philip Mercury
The Press

Definitely, this beginning of the campaign is turning into an election candy festival.

Posted at 9:00 a.m.

After the CAQ and the Liberal Party, which are outbidding tax cuts, now Québec solidaire is proposing… a suspension of taxes. Misery !

A left-wing party should know, however, that a tax cut benefits more those who consume the most, and therefore the wealthiest. QS wants to suspend the QST on so-called “essential” products (the PLQ has a similar promise).

But there are two problems with this. The first is that many Quebecers do not need this assistance to buy basic necessities. The second is that by including restaurants and clothing in the lot, Québec solidaire would end up reducing the bill for those who pay for gourmet meals and designer clothing. For solidarity, we will come back.

Yes, Quebecers are struggling to make ends meet because of inflation. But if politicians really want to help these people (and they have to!), let them target them instead of casting such a wide net. Otherwise, Quebeckers who have no need for tax holidays will spend the money we give them, exacerbating the inflation we are trying to combat.

Reminder to politicians: the distribution of treats is October 31st for Halloween. Not on the 3rd of the same month for the ballot.

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