September is not just the start of the school year, it is also the start of sport.
Physical inactivity is bad for the body, we know it, but you haven’t found the sport that might be right for you… To help you choose, go to Sportissimo, September 3 and 4 at the sports complex residences in Belfort.
About 40 departmental sports associations will be present
No doubt, you will necessarily find the sport that suits you. By going to this event you will not only be able to see and learn about the disciplines offered in your region, but you will also be able to test many of them.
– AzmanL
To your sneakers!
Admission and access to entertainment is free. See you on Saturday September 4 from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. and Sunday September 5 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Click here for more information