where is France positioned in this new star wars?


France 2

Article written by

L. Feuerstein, H. Puffeney, A. Gaucher, Y. Moine, C. Cormery, B. Geron, F. Cardoen – France 2

France Televisions

This week, Russia wanted to send a message by firing a missile that destroyed a satellite. How does France position itself in this star wars against Moscow, China and the United States?

It was a highly strategic take-off for France. On Tuesday, November 16, the Vega launcher put three military satellites with exceptional listening capacities into orbit. Golden ears that France now has like Russia, the United States and China. This sensitive operation took place under the reinforced protection of anti-missile systems and combat aircraft. According to the army, this program worth 450 million euros makes it possible to locate and identify all radar signals.

This program allows enemy communications to be listened to hundreds of kilometers above sea level. This is an essential technological leap according to General Michel Friedling, the head of the space command. “France is not part of an arms race game. France has strategic interests, France has a position on the international scene“, he indicates. In fact, the competition to win in space is accelerating.

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