Who is your favorite humor this week?

Of Monday to Friday at 8:30 p.m. on France Bleu, you can discover the new talents of the humor scene. Coming from the 4 corners of France, recommended or not by established artists, these emerging talents present themselves to you in a mad hope … that of power present their show in a mythical Parisian room during a great evening dedicated to new talents discovered by France Bleu!

Influence our jury

Composed of humor professionals and representatives of France Bleu, our jury has one goal: to find and highlight the next big name in humor, influenced by your reactions. For that, each week, we offer you a summary of the talents presented during our daily life:

Ghislain Blique meets you every Wednesday at La Petite Loge in Paris for his show “Plus rien à branler”. You might as well let him describe it himself:

With a title like that, it wouldn’t really make sense to bother writing a description of the show. Thank you for your understanding.

Her beginnings in humor are literary (that’s good, she worked for years in publishing): in 2016, La Musardine, with whom she has already published some short stories, asked her to write her first humorous book: 30 ideas to have fun while your boyfriend watches football while eating pizza. In 2017, his second comedy book, The sex life of geeks. It was at the same time that she made her debut on stage.

This duo of new generation imitators shakes up the codes of humor: anthology of two-voice imitations and corrosive humor. Everyone takes it for their rank: The Macrons, François Hollande revamped by Cristina Cordula, the new scene from Zaz to Grand Corps Malade via Julien Doré and Camille, but also tender and endearing pairs: Dani and Étienne Daho, Véronique Sanson and Jean-Jacques Goldman, Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Marine Le Pen …

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