Nicolet will train the police reinforcements expected in Montreal

The National Police School of Quebec in Nicolet will have the task of training and graduating as quickly as possible the new police officers supposed to respond to the increase in armed violence in Montreal.

• Read also: Armed violence: a solution expected from Nicolet

Thus, everything will have to be put in place next November to annually welcome an additional cohort of 72 aspirants.

Eventually, 450 additional recruits will have to be trained exclusively for the city of Montreal.

As the establishment was already at full capacity, it is likely that training will be given in the evenings and on weekends.

The police academy had recently integrated a hundred more aspiring police officers to make up for the training delays accumulated during the pandemic.

This means that it will be necessary to launch a second wave of hiring instructors, actors in addition to acquiring additional equipment and planning important logistics.

“It’s a good project for us. All the solutions are on the table right now. Does ̧va mean evenings and weekends? Does that mean training that will be given outside? Does that mean postponing certain professional development training, for example, or other training in the public security sector? For the moment everything is on the table to see how we will succeed in delivering the 72”, assured Véronique Brunet, communications manager at ÉNPQ.

The additional costs of up to $2 million will be absorbed from the $250 million envelope released by Quebec’s Minister of Public Security, Geneviève Guilbault, as a response to the armed violence that is shaking the territory of Montreal.

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