businesses could soon be rationed on gas and electricity


Article written by

P.-L. Monnier, L. Seux, V. Frédéric, L. Bazizin, F. Daireaux, PH. Lagaune, H. Pozzo, J.-L. Lons, O. Sauvayre – France 2

France Televisions

The rationing of gas and electricity is no longer ruled out by the government, Monday, August 29. Companies will be the first to be subject to it, warned Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne. To avoid this, they must urgently reduce their energy consumption.

More light in offices, more production in factories… The rationing of gas and electricity at certain times this winter was feared, it is now mentioned by Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne in person, Monday 29 August. “If we were to come to rationing, businesses would be the first to be affected. Unfortunately, we have to prepare for it”she said.

To avoid this, the executive asks the bosses to find solutions to quickly reduce their consumption. From September, companies will have to establish a sobriety plan. A month later, a first stage point will be made. Up to 10% energy savings are expected, or a little less, on a case-by-case basis depending on the sector of activity. Some did not wait. This is the case of a logistics company in Cambrai (Nord), where the boss made the decision to lower the heating.

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