his two children steal the show… The Web in turmoil!

Sophie Marceau remains one of the icons of French 7ᵉ art. It is in countless registers that she flourishes. Challenges do not scare him… Quite the contrary! And despite her successes, the actress has always known how to keep her feet on the ground. “I don’t hate compliments, no, it’s always better than a kick in the ass but it’s not necessarily what gets you the most going either”, she analyzed on the set of Telematin. “In our jobs, the compliment is easy: ‘you are wonderful’, ‘you are great’. But I was warned about all that when I started. I was told ‘divide by two, look at things with a little perspective’, because all that takes you into a whirlwind where everything is wonderful. You yourself are a kind of ‘8th wonder of the world’. Alright, let’s just stay calm. ».

In the city, Sophie Marceau is also the happy mother of two children: Vincent, born of her story with the late Polish director Andrzej Zulawski. Without forgetting Juliette, fruit of her past love affair with Jim Lemley. On a daily basis, the artist struggled to preserve them from her notoriety. “That’s the whole problem of being a parent: you want to protect them while knowing that pain and doubts are necessary to grow”, indicated the actress in the columns of SHE. “That’s the whole problem of being a parent: you want to protect them while knowing that pain and doubts are necessary to grow”.

In 2019, the eldest of Sophie Marceau had the merit of surprising his followers. On Instagram, he immortalized himself with his youngest and their famous mother. Equipped, the trio took a short trip to the mountains! The air of Chamonix seems to have done them the greatest good. Admire a little…


see also: Cannes Film Festival: Sophie Marceau in an incendiary red jumpsuit sets the Croisette on fire

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