the deputies of the majority beaten in the legislative elections received Monday evening at the Élysée by Emmanuel Macron

The Head of State receives Monday evening the deputies of the majority beaten in the legislative elections of 2022. These former elected officials measure the strategic dimension of the meeting.

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In June 2022, they were defeated in their constituency in the legislative elections. The Head of State receives them on the evening of Monday August 29 at the Elysée. An invitation sent less than three weeks ago by the presidency. Emmanuel Macron needs all his troops more than ever. The presidential majority obtained 38.57% of the votes in the legislative elections and 245 seats, while there were more than 300 deputies from La République en Marche who were elected in 2017.

>> Legislative: why does Emmanuel Macron estimate at “thirty” the deputies he lacks for the absolute majority, and not at 44?

They were first intrigued by this invitation, they are beaten. They almost thought it was a mistake. Then while discussing between them, they understood the common point between the guests: their defeat precisely. Françoise Ballet-Blu, former deputy of Vienne, perfectly measures the strategic dimension of the meeting. “We are aware that he does not want to lose us and that he wants us to continue to work for him for the movement”, explains the former deputy of La République en Marche.

Work to be the transmission belts of a party always in search of establishment. Former deputies can make excellent executives explains Marie-Christine Verdier-Jouclas, elected in the Tarn from 2017 to 2022: “Being a force is good, but when you’re no longer elected, it’s a little more complicated. You have to have a clear and defined role at the level of the movement and therefore now of the party. It we have to stay on the alert to fight for this mandate and so that we can achieve all that we need to do.” The former deputy cites in particular the pension reform and the question of remuneration for work.

“We will see after if indeed the beaten ones of today are the chosen ones of tomorrow: I don’t know.”

Marie-Christine Verdier-Jouclas, former LREM MP

at franceinfo

In macronie, there is less talk than before the summer of a risk of dissolution. What we do know, however, is that in a party founded by and for Emmanuel Macron, the next elections can no longer be held on his name alone.

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