a month before the start of parliament, the Nupes prepares its troops for the showdown with the government

After having muscled up at the summer universities of the left, the Nupes wants to relaunch the showdown with the government this fall. In the National Assembly or in the street, the coalition plans to denounce the reforms to come, in particular that of unemployment insurance, and to continue to demand the taxation of super-profits.

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The return to parliament will take place in a month, but opposition parties like Nupes are already preparing the next clashes with the majority in the hemicycle. Among the Insoumis, the deputy Hadrien Clouet promises like Jean-Luc Mélenchon the general battle. “An opposition is there to opposehe says. So the stiffness of parliamentary work will depend on the slope that the government sets for us.

>> Summer universities of La France insoumise: Mathilde Panot, an activist who became an “army general”

A slope that the opposition on the left already finds very steep. From October, important laws must be voted on in Parliament: pension and labor reforms, vote on the budget, bills that risk creating strong tensions. Ecologist Sandrine Rousseau is preparing to stand up: “We’re going to have the law on unemployment insurance, it’s going to be absolute carnage. So there’s going to be an enormous battle. Because they’ve already refused us the salary increase to prefer bonuses, but now they will humiliate the unemployed.”

For some, like the rebellious Martine Etienne, the strategy is to raise the decibels on the benches of the National Assembly.

“If it is possible to go louder, we will. We intend to make noise, not to make noise, but if the government is still deaf like that, we will shout even louder. At some point, it will eventually hear.”

Martine Etienne, MP LFI

at franceinfo

But this message must also exist outside the Assembly, carried by all the Nupes, insists the socialist deputy Arthur Delaporte.“From the next few weeks, we are in permanent contact to carry these struggles collectively out of the hemicycle.” Bring the fight outside the walls of the Assembly to make it exist in the street: like this march against the high cost of living scheduled for mid-October, the time to agree with the unions.

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