“Paul was under his influence”, denounces the companion of a man who died of cancer

This is the first time she has spoken on the radio. In Camille*’s living room, a photo in the frame of a mirror. That of Paul, who died in December 2018 at the age of 41 from testicular cancer, one of the cancers best treated by traditional medicine.

>>INQUIRY. Doctolib: two fake doctors were able to practice for several weeks on the platform

Scalded by a previous operation, Paul hesitated to have the operation, and finally he let himself be convinced by the precepts of Irène Grosjean, – an influential personality in the middle of naturopathy, but with discredited positions in the world of health – and one of its ambassadors, Miguel Barthelery. Barthelery took my companion away from me completelysays Camille, Paul’s companion. He died in excruciating pain.”

“I tried, by all means, to convince my companion to have this tumor removed, to be treated, to go to see specialists. From the moment he met Barthelery, there was no longer any question nothing at all.”

Camille, Paul’s companion

at franceinfo

Miguel Barthelery was however sentenced in 2021 for “illegal practice of medicine”, conviction which he appealed, and continues to practice. To cure Paul’s cancer, the naturopath tells him to put his body to rest: no animal protein, vegetable juices, castor oil purges. “Paul was not stupid, he was brilliant, but he was in control”says Camille.

TESTIMONY. Doctolib: the testimony of the companion of a man who died of cancer, under the influence of a naturopath

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Under the influence of this naturopath, Paul’s health deteriorates, the cancer spreads. “When my companion told him ‘I can’t stand up, I’m out of breath, I can’t sleep’ because otherwise he would choke because he had so many metastases in his lungs, Barthelery said to him: all that is normal, don’t worry, it’s your body that cleans itself, continue to purge, continue to fast”develops Camille, very affected.

“Instead of telling him to go to the hospital and see a doctor: not only does he convince him that what he has is not serious, but he also tells him not to go to the emergency room because there, they will kill him.”

Camille, companion of Paul

at franceinfo

Admitted to the emergency room too late, Paul dies a few weeks later. Despite his conviction in 2021, Camille knows that the naturopath continues to support patients with cancer or leukemia. “I know, from a reliable source, that it continues since I very recently had a call from a relative of a victim who fortunately was saved. in extremis but who was in the same situation as that of my companion a few years earliershe says, indignant. For me, it’s totally criminal!”

If Camille comes out of silence today, it is because of this controversy around Doctolib. Last week, under pressure from Internet users, 17 well-being practitioners on Doctolib, who boasted of having been trained by naturopath Irène Grosjean, saw their profiles deleted from the platform. Irène Grosjean has notably been implicated for questionable practices, which go as far as the sexual touching of babies to bring down their fever. But for some, Doctolib is home to many more practitioners close to Irene Grosjean than these few recently deleted profiles.

“I am very happy that Doctolib has withdrawn these people: if they apply the teachings of Irène Grosjean, they put a lot of people in danger. Those who fall on these naturopaths, we see where it leads. My companion was convinced by their methods.”

Camille, companion of Paul

at franceinfo

Miguel Barthelery, who appealed his conviction last year, and therefore presumed innocent, is not present on Doctololib. His patient base numbers more than a hundred people. The date of his next trial must be set by the courts for September 1.

*Name has been changed

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