Elisabeth Borne will ask companies to reduce their consumption by 10%

The government wants to encourage companies to consume less energy, and very quickly. While energy sobriety is on the agenda this fall, in a context of an unprecedented rise in energy prices and after a summer marked by awareness of climate change, the Prime Minister will ask companies to reduce their energy consumption by 10%, reveals franceinfo on Monday. Expected at the meetings of entrepreneurs in France organized by the Medef, Elisabeth Borne is to deliver a speech there in the early afternoon. It will therefore ask them to reduce their energy consumption by 10%.

“Much more restrictive” measures if nothing is done within a month

A report will be made in a month. “If companies are not up to it”, the government “will have to activate much more restrictive measures”, warned the services of the Prime Minister. According to information from franceinfo, the government’s watchword for this return to school will be “savings chosen rather than rationing suffered”.

“We did not wait for the Prime Minister”, assures the president of Medef

Invited on France Inter this Monday, the president of Medef Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux replied to Elisabeth Borne. “We did not wait for the Prime Minister to return to sobriety”he tackled. “Bosses are rarely carefree”, he continued, recalling that “when prices rise, we reduce our consumption”.

The boss of bosses believes that the set target of 10% “is a significant but absolutely essential effort”. “We are going to try, we are going to make an effort, everyone is in the same boat, we obviously have an interest in reducing our consumption”, he summarized.

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It is not possible to carpool everyone – Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux, president of Medef

Regarding the request made to companies to not heat their offices above 19 degrees this winter, as will be the case in public administrations, the president of Medef “does not see any particular problem”. “It will allow reductions”, he judged. “But there are limits” in the efforts to be made, he warned, convinced that he is not “not possible to carpool everyone”. “What we absolutely want to avoid is rationing or load shedding”, he warned.

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