“We must massively open new training places”, claims the federation of the sector

On franceinfo, the general delegate of the French Federation of crèche companies, Elsa Hervy, believes that the objective of 200,000 new crèche places by 2027 cannot be met under these conditions.

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We must open up massive new training places“for early childhood and crèche professionals, insists this Sunday on franceinfo the general delegate of the French Federation of crèche companies, Elsa Hervy. With the current shortage and the many retirements within five years, “we won’t be able to reach the goal” of the government which is to open 200,000 new crèche places.

>> Crisis in nurseries: how the lack of staff has become “the number one problem” of early childhood

franceinfo: Do ​​you understand the concern of early childhood professionals?

Elsa Hervy: They are right to be worried! Today, 10,000 professionals are missing to run the 471,000 crèche places. With retirements by 2027, there will still be a shortage of 20,000 additional places. The President of the Republic and the Prime Minister have planned to build 200,000 new places, but if we do not train 100,000 new professionals by 2027, we will not be able to meet this ambitious objective for families.

Do you approve of the easing of recruitment?

It is a derogation from the conditions of diploma or experience which has existed for 22 years in the 102 departmental services of maternal and child protection. In fact, the decree of this summer restricts this derogation by setting national criteria for these derogations which existed differently in the departments. It sets limits by not allowing more than one non-qualified person per crèche, with an obligation to support them for 120 hours after taking up their position and an obligation to train them within the year so that they obtain a diploma. . On the other hand, this decree does not solve the problems of the shortage of professionals. For this, it is necessary to open massively new training places.

Will nurseries have enough staff to train?

There will be a tutor on a voluntary basis and the director of the crèche will also provide this support work. It is necessarily time to invest but it will not be time spent looking for the rare pearl of these graduates who do not exist. In any case, the best solution to fight against the shortage is to massively open up new training places, to promote early childhood and crèche professionals. You have to understand that we are not playing with children but that we are awakening the adults of tomorrow. Wages also need to be increased. Since 2018, the public subsidy that supports crèches has increased by 6.65% when the minimum wage has increased by 13.36%.

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