Education: back to school is getting ready


France 3

Article written by

France 3 Midi-Pyrenees: M. Lebrun, V. Heitz, J. Pires – France 3

France Televisions

Sunday, August 28, a few days before the start of the school year, families are torn between the joy of returning to school and the sadness of seeing the holidays end.

September is fast approaching and as usual, it’s time to prepare for the start of the school year. The families try to get the children back into a rhythm so that the return to school is not too difficult. “The go to bed at a certain time, get up at a certain time and we pick up the pace little by little”, describes a mother. “We take the list of school supplies and reconstitute the schoolbag”adds another woman.

The main concerned by back to school are the children and despite a sadness bound at the end of the holidays, most are happy to be able to see their classmates again. “I’m a little sad for the end of the holidays, but I’m happy to go find my friends”explains a child. Others are stressed when going to another class. Despite this return to school, it is important to continue to share moments of fun with your children, specify the professionals.

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