Laurent Ruquier in cold with Léa Salamé? The interview that leaves little room for doubt…

It was on Saturday June 4, Laurent Ruquier said goodbye to the viewers of “We are live”, a program he had co-hosted for a year with Léa Salamé. A carefully considered choice for this regular of the 2nd evening parts of France 2. “It’s my decision to leave this time slot, not being comfortable co-hosting for a talk show. I tried, but despite my natural understanding with Léa Salamé, I consider the exercise too frustrating”he explained on social networks.

A constraint that he repeated many times in the media, even if rumors of tension with Léa Salamé inevitably rustled to justify this choice. “HAStwosome is easy, but a talk show is more complicated. I wanted to see what it would look like. It is true that it is not easy. It’s quite frustrating for Léa Salamé as for me. I tried but despite my natural understanding with Léa Salamé, I consider the exercise too frustrating”, had also commented on the companion of Hugo Manos to Télérama.

But this weekend, Laurent Ruquier confided in an interview with Parisian. In particular, the host was asked if he would watch the premiere of Léa Salamé’s show next Saturday. And the lack of support for his ex-colleague, while rejoicing for Christophe Dechavanne who joined the show, rekindled doubts about the existence of tensions between the two former co-hosts. “If I’m at home, I’ll look out of curiosity, yes. If only for my friend Christophe Dechavanne, with whom I have good relations. I am very happy for him that he finally finds a television presence. Animators are made to do their job”, simply replied Laurent Ruquier. An indifference that speaks volumes.

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