on stage, the artist covers Emmanuel Macron with insults… and the president is there!

Before a very busy political return, the Head of State, accompanied by his wife, Brigitte and his daughter-in-law, Tiphaine Auzière, had decided to offer himself a last moment of relaxation this Saturday, August 27. For this festive evening, he had chosen to go and work on his hips to the sound of the various DJs and musicians invited as part of the electro festival in Le Touquet, a seaside town where this Picard of origin has a second home. And the least we can think is the President of the Republic must not have been disappointed with the trip. His ears must have even seriously whistled, because when he arrived, the artist Marc Rebillet was on stage. Reputed to be crazy, this 34-year-old Franco-American, dressed in a bathrobe, ended up taking it off to launch into the public after having sprinkled him with champagne.

“Fuck Macron” burst onto the stage

But one thing is certain: this master of turntables certainly did not vote for the winner during the last presidential election, because, during his performance, the man never stopped launching “Fuck Macron” as a of chorus. Did he know that his best enemy was attending his show? This is not certain, because this family visit had nothing to do with protocol. There is no doubt, however, that when he heard the news, Marc Rebillet should not have been unhappy with his number. The organizers of Le Touquet Music Beach, on the other hand, were in their little shoes, wondering what the reaction of their distinguished guest would be, especially as the information spread like wildfire on social networks. To their greatest relief, Emmanuel and Brigitte continued to dance as if nothing had happened. There is no worse deaf than the one who does not want to hear and, to succeed in a political career, it is sometimes necessary to know how to despise contempt. One of his predecessors at the Élysée had shown, not without panache, the example in the matter. Asked by a passerby who had thrown him a thundering “Asshole”, he had replied: “Enchanted, I am Jacques Chirac. »


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