On August 24, Karine Gélain, a desperate mother in the face of the brutal and terrible disappearance of her daughter, took over her Instagram account to cry out in distress. An important woman in the world of cinema and television, she tried to get help to find Jade, 18, who had faded away this Wednesday August 24 at night in Paris and then still had not given any news. On Friday August 26, oh joy, Karine Gélain found her daughter, unfortunately in “State of shock“, as she made it known on her social networks. What happened? This Saturday, August 27, she breaks the silenceensures that Jade is “safe and sound” and give the first explanations.
“It is difficult to explain everything about the networks but Jade and safe and sound and it’s really thanks to your mobilization that she was able to be locatedbegins Karine Gélain. I could never thank you enough. Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart.“She continues in order to say more.”To tell you a little more anyway, she didn’t run away, nor party, she was forcibly taken away for very dark reasons“, she reveals in this post. “The police are doing their job and I must not divulge any information at this timesays Jade’s mom. I’ll let you know. Thanks again everyone.”
Jade “in shock”
“We just found Jade, I’ll tell you more tomorrow I will take care of my daughter in shock, did it on Friday, August 26, ending the nightmare. Mthank you for your mobilization, it is thanks to your shares that we have located” This sober message also allowed Karine Gélain to thank people for their mobilization and let them know that she was always with “police and doctors“. Because when Karine Gélain, a rather important woman in the world of cinema and television, where she evolves under the caps of agent, casting director, caster, took to her social networks to announce the sad and disturbing disappearance of her young daughter Jade, she was able to count on enormous support.