Secret Story, a very thin ex-candidate: photo of her new silhouette and revelations about her weight loss

His efforts will have paid off. In recent months, Anaïs Camizuli has decided to take control. The former candidate of Secret Story revealed in season 7 in 2013 had the desire to shed a few pounds and, on Friday August 26, she was delighted to display her new silhouette on Instagram.

From her home, the pretty brunette took a picture of herself in panties and dressed in a T-shirt, just to reveal her slender legs and her flat stomach. But in addition to sharing the result in image, Anaïs Camizuli wanted to explain it. Indeed, in legend she revealed her secret to get there. “The photo is not great but I wanted to tell you about my weight loss. Around mid May, I felt bad in my body, I motivated myself by telling myself that I could do it. I started by getting back into sport a bit (to let off steam as well). I then eliminated Coke (I could drink 4 cans a day, it’s huge) and I only drank one can for lunch. I don’t drink coffee, I need my coke!“, she first let it be known.

The Marseilles then confessed to having helped herself with methods to slim down such as the So Shape challenge or even the taking of food supplements. Note, however, that these practices do not work miracles and are not to be taken lightly. Anaïs Camizuli also specifies that she was careful without ever depriving herself. “I don’t diet girls. I hate being frustrated so I eat what I want while staying reasonable. Little tip that worked for me: stop eating after 6 p.m.“, she indicated.

So, today, she displays 50 kilos on her scale. A figure that suits him perfectly. In conclusion, Anaïs Camizuli confides that she does not seek validation from her community but simply recalls the importance of feeling good about your body. “For some, it’s too much. You can’t please everyone. I feel good in my body today and I advise you to do the same. Don’t listen to people. Think about yourself and do what makes you feel beautiful in the mirror“, she wrote.

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