new record increase in energy prices


France 2

Article written by

Mr. Boisseau, Mr. September, L. Soudre – France 2

France Televisions

In the UK, regulated energy prices will increase by 80% in October, and this is probably just the start. For consumers, it’s already time for system D.

Nobody should be cold or hungry this winter.“The banner is unfurled in front of Parliament in Westminster (United Kingdom), by a movement calling for a boycott of energy bills, which claims more than 117,000 supporters. A reaction to the announcement, Friday August 26, of a further price increases For a UK household, on average, regulated prices have risen from €1,510 per year in winter 2021, to a projected €4,194 on 1 October 2022. Almost three times more, and soon almost four times more, according to forecasts for next spring.

How to cope? When leaving a supermarket in London (United Kingdom), many have already reduced their daily expenses. “I’m going to change my habits yes, and I’m going to stop the meat too”, says a customer. The poorest turn to food banks, which are also paying the price for the energy crisis and 10% inflation. Faced with the scale of the increases, the British, however unaccustomed to state aid, are calling for strong measures. But we will have to wait for the appointment of the next Prime Minister, on September 5.

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