Mylène Farmer and Yoann Lemoine alias Woodkid who combine their genius, it’s on the title forevers, released by the most mysterious artist this Friday August 26th. A song whose publication comes a few months after a sentimental disappointment, known a few months ago by the 60-year-old singer. The interpreter of Disenchanted and XXL indeed separated at the very beginning of the year from her long-time companion Benoît Di Sabatino, as reported by our colleagues from Gala. This unveiled title is also an opportunity to come back to a few significant episodes in the mysterious life of Mylène Farmer: in particular this triple fall that has become cult.
It was a live triple fall that Mylène Farmer experienced in March 2010 when she went to the Elysée Palace for a state dinner in honor of Russian President Medvedev. Arrived on the forecourt of the Elysée, on the red carpet, the guest of honor will unfortunately stumble directly while climbing the steps of the Palace. Dressed in a sumptuous long black dress, Mylène Farmer falls once, then twice and ends up suffering a third fall. A fall in three stages while the singer, freshly single, tripped over her dress.
“Despite the pain”, she resists
Mylène Farmer comes out of this fall live with a broken little toe, but above all a moment that has become cult. The video of his fall indeed quickly became viral, having made the rounds on social networks. We discover news of the artist, who returns to the front of the stage this Friday, August 26, in the columns of the Parisian. “The singer, who was unaccompanied, maintained her participation despite the pain and only received care at the very end of the evening, after returning home“, then write our colleagues.
The artist, separated after 20 years of love, did she mention this fall? Yes and not without humor. In the columns of TVMagazine, Mylène Farmer, several months after this legendary fall, answers the question “What does your star status prevent you from doing?” : “To fall on the steps of the Élysée!“.