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Like every end of summer, the universities of the different parties are flourishing across France. Despite a common list for the legislative elections, the members of the Nupes have made their comeback each on their side.
They often spoke with one voice. Saturday August 27 and Sunday August 28, the four parties of the Nupes will make their comeback each on their side. The Communists met in Strasbourg (Bas-Rhin) while the Socialists took up residence in Blois (Loir-et-Cher). France Insoumise and the Greens are further south, being respectively in Valence (Drôme) and Grenoble (Isère). Despite this dispersion, some supporters of the left-wing coalition still believe in the union, seeing it as a “agreement opportunity”.
However, the four political families are not on the same wavelength on all subjects. Last point of divergence: the crisis between China and Taiwan. Yannick Jadot does not envisage a coalition for the European elections of 2024. “This is how collectively we will have more elected than if we make a common list“, he believes. Before the European deadlines, there is the social return. Many within Nupes hope that their leaders will be able to speak with one voice.